Treating Fatigue Naturally

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"Fatigue can have many different causes and factors that contribute. As a naturopath I take a thorough history, review any medical records, and run labs to figure out where you fatigue is coming from. Some common causes of fatigue I assess for include: thyroid disorders or imbalances, adrenal fatigue, poor sleep, B vitamin or iron deficiencies, chronic infections, depression, chronic pain, and trauma. Once we determine which factors are playing into your fatigue then we work together to create a comprehensive and holistic treatment plan.In order to improve your energy and treat fatigue naturally, we must look at the whole person. As a naturopathic doctor I include treatments to address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of fatigue. Treatment often targets multiple organ systems such as the adrenals, the nervous system, the digestion, and the thyroid. If we only treat one area then the fatigue may get better but will not be resolved or may return after treatment ends.Natural treatments for fatigue include lifestyle changes, herbs, supplements, massage, homeopathy, and more. In my practice I often start with adaptogen herbs to support your adrenals and your body"s stress response. Lifestyle changes such as improving hydration, sleep hygiene, and getting adequate nutrition to balance blood sugar can also be useful. There is no one treatment plan for fatigue though- each treatment plan is unique and tailored to your specific situation."

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