5 Tips for Pain-Free Gardening

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Get outside and keep moving this spring. And strive to take care of your body both before and after working in the yard.
Quoted From: https://www.therapeuticassociates.com/5-tips-for-pain-free-gardening/

"Spring into Yard Work and Gardening
Here are 5 helpful tips to take advantage of the benefits of gardening, while decreasing the risk of injury:
Warm up your body: stretch your neck, wrist, hands, and legs before jumping right into work.
Choose the right tools and use proper body mechanics: Tools were made to make life easier and reduce strain on our bodies. Using gardening chairs or stools keeps you out of those prolonged bent-over positions that are hard on your neck and back. And gardening pads take pressure off your knees on those hard soils.
Bring the plants to you: Use potting tables to work at waist levels.
Pace yourself: You don"t just decide to run a marathon one day, it takes time to work up to that fitness level. The same motto should be used for any activity. One key is to not do everything in one shot, especially when you are first starting back into the yard. Taking breaks every hour to hour and a half.
Drink plenty of water: Remember, you"re working and outside. You"re getting the benefits of Vitamin D but staying hydrated keeps tissues more mobile and reduces the risk of injury."

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