"CLOTHING: New and gently-used donations of clothing, shoes, bedding and towels offered at no charge. School supplies are available in August. The Closet is open Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday and Friday mornings by appointment. Households can visit up to 5 times each calendar year. The CC does not offer or accept toys/stuffed animals, household goods/decor, furniture, appliances or tents.CRISIS INTERVENTION: Fish may be able to assist with a propane voucher, utility bill, birth certificate or identification card for specific emergency situations. FOOD: Weekdays, volunteers distribute a 3-5 day supply of nutritionally balanced groceries partnered with USDA commodities to households in need. Households can receive a food box once every 30-day period. Call the office to make an appointment. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.TRANSPORTATION: Local bus tickets are available for employment, medical and other emergency travel situations. Gasoline vouchers for employment, medical or judicial appointments may be available (further documentation required). GAP SERVICES: Infant diapers/wipes, infant formula, baby food, incontinence products, personal hygiene items, and feminine hygiene items may be available, dependent on donations."
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