Allergy Treatments

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"Allergies are a widespread condition that affects approximately one out of every five Americans. They occur throughout the year in all types of climates and can be triggered by pollen, mold spores, dust mites, animal dander, food, chemicals, medications and other environmental irritants.
With so many possible causes, finding the source of your allergic response is crucial to treating the symptoms.
There are three types of allergy treatment available.
The least invasive treatment method for allergies is avoiding the triggers responsible for your symptoms. If you are suffering from hay fever (allergies to pollen, pet dander and mold), there are a few simple things you can do to reduce these allergens in your home.
Allergy symptoms can often be relieved through the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications and nasal sprays. Medical therapy provides short-term relief and may be enough of a solution for people with seasonal allergies or those whose symptoms are not severe.
If your symptoms do not improve with the use of medications, you should consult with an allergist over alternative treatments such as immunotherapy.
People who suffer from allergies that don"t respond to medical treatment may find relief from immunotherapy, a method of building tolerance to an allergen by introducing it to the body in small doses over a period of time. It is usually given as injections (allergy shots), but can also be taken orally. When ingested, it is known as sublingual immunotherapy, or allergy drops."

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