"Below we have compiled a list from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. This list is a very brief overview of some of things to expect at various ages. If you have ANY concerns that may or may not be listed, it is better to seek help early. One of our therapists would be more than happy to setup a free consultation with you and discuss your child"s unique situation.
Research shows that the earlier the intervention, the quicker and easier, the remediation of a delay or disorder will be. Please don"t hesitate to call. Our promise is to tell you our professional opinion based on years of education in the field and working with 1,000"s of children, and leave the final decision up to you.
Startles to loud sounds, quiets/smiles when spoken to, makes pleasure sounds (cooing "ahhh" "eee"), cries differently for different needs
4 - 7 Months
moves eyes in direction of sounds, responds to changes in tone of your voice, notices toys that make noise, babbling sounds more speech-like with many different sounds including p, b, and m
7 - 12 Months
Enjoys games like peek-a-boo, listens when spoken to, recognizes words for common items like "cup", "shoe", or "book", uses gestures like waving or holding arms up to be picked up, has at least one real word
*PREMATURE babies born premature (before 38 weeks gestation) are expected to meet these milestones based on full-term due dates. (i.e. baby born at 30 weeks gestation would not be expected to meet 12 month milestones until 22 (12 10) months old.
"Red flags" (when to refer)
Child doesn"t respond to noises
Not yet babbling (consonant-vowel combinations) by 9 months
12 - 18 Months
Points to a few body parts, follows simple directions (like "Kiss the baby," or "Where"s your shoe?"), approximately 50 different words, begins to say two words together like "baby go" and "mama up"
*PREMATURE babies born premature (before 38 weeks gestation) are expected to meet these milestones based on full-term due dates. (i.e. baby born at 30 weeks gestation would not be expected to meet 18-month milestones until 28 (18 10) months old.
"Red flags" (when to refer)
Child does not respond to his name
Child has 10 words or less by 18 months"
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