Explore Osteoporosis Risks and Solutions. Uncover insights on fracture prevention, risk factors, and effective exercises for optimal bone density.Quoted From: https://www.therapeuticassociates.com/take-action-on-osteoporosis/
"What should I be asking my doctor about when it comes to osteoporosis?
Getting a DEXA scan You should be getting a DEXA scan if you are a female over 65 years old or if you are at least 50 years old and have additional risk factors. This should be done once every two years.2
Medications If you have lower bone density, medication may be needed to help increase it. Bisphosphonates are usually the first type of medication to be used. They can be taken orally via a pill or through intravenous infusion monthly/yearly. Hormones that mimic estrogen may also be prescribed.3
Supplements Vitamin D and Calcium are needed in combination to help build bone. If you are deficient in either of these, it may be helpful to take a supplement. Your skin can actually create Vitamin D, but ultraviolet light is needed to help synthesize it. So, go get some sunshine and spend 10-15 minutes outside each day!4,5
Physical Therapy Referral Physical therapy can be helpful to start a strength training routine to help increase your bone density, especially if you have any other current injuries or joint issues, or if you are having difficulty with where to begin and want to avoid injury. Physical therapists can also provide excellent education on osteoporosis specific to you and how to best address it within your daily life.
What can I do to improve my bone health?
You"ve probably heard that exercise can help improve bone density, but you may not know what type of exercise you should be doing.
Bones are stimulated to re-build or strengthen whenever a load is placed on them. This is either by impact to your bone or by your muscles pulling on the bone. This happens during weight bearing aerobic exercises and during strength training.
Weight bearing aerobic exercise includes walking, climbing stairs, hiking, running, and jumping. There is less load on the bones during biking and swimming, however, these are still good activities for cardiovascular exercise.
Strength training can include the use of body weight, resistance bands, or weights such as dumbbells.6"
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