Tips for Setting Fitness Goals

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Are your new year's resolutions tied to fitness goals, weight loss, and/or starting a new exercise routine? These tips can help you succeed.
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"There"s something about the calendar turning over into a new year that"s so invigorating. It"s an opportunity for a fresh start. With a fresh start comes goals and resolutions to grow and better yourself. If your new year"s resolutions are tied to fitness goals, weight loss, and/or starting a new exercise routine, it"s important that you do so in a safe and healthful manner. Here are some tips to help set you up for a successful and healthful new year!It seems simple enough, but digging deep and identifying why you"re really setting this New Year Resolution is an important place to start. Is your resolution to lose weight? Why? So you can fit in your clothes comfortably? Why? So you have more confidence day-to-day? Why? So you can set a good example for your kids? Why? you get the idea. Really try and narrow it down. Your true why will come in handy a couple of months down the road when the shininess of the new year has worn off and/or you hit a plateau.ny fitness goal you have should be performance-oriented and written in a way that provides specific ways that you intend to achieve that goal (like the SMART goals format). This makes it so that no matter what happens with your weight, you"re improving some aspect of your physical health.The American College of Sports Medicine recommends for cardio exercise you should be doing 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise, or some mix of the two. The idea here is that 1 minute of vigorous exercise is worth 2 minutes of moderate exercise. So if you did 30 minutes of vigorous exercise, you"d need another 90 minutes in the week of moderate exercise to reach your 150 minute total.For the more goal-driven crowd, a pedal-to-the-metal approach to fitness can seem the quickest and most efficient way to better health. However, it"s critical workout intensity and length remain in line with one"s current fitness levels and limits. It"s also important to schedule recovery, or off-days, into your routine. Failing to do so can increase your injury risk as well as the risk of burnout"

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