What is Past Life Regression?

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Quoted From: https://www.albanytherapist.com/past-life-regression

"PLR involves exploring memories from the past. Some experience memories from early childhood, infancy, a life different from the one they"re living now, or the space between lives. Clients are able to "relive" or observe these memories using any or all of their senses. The memories often contain an emotional wound or mental health issue that has never healed or been resolved, or a lesson that can help alleviate emotional, and sometimes physical symptoms.If my client chooses this method in our therapy session, I use gentle relaxation and guided imagery techniques to help tap into the subconscious mind where these memories reside. The person going through the process remains in control of themselves at all times. They cannot be made to do or say anything, and can end the session whenever they want. Clients do not need to believe in reincarnation in order to be regressed. Most people describe the process as a very positive experience; relaxing, peaceful, and like a weight is lifted from them."

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