What is regenerative medicine and how is it different from other drugs?

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Quoted From: https://albany.vitalityprovider.com/service/exosome-therapy/

"Regenerative medicine is different from typical drugs and potentially much more powerful.
Many drugs treat the symptoms of a problem, not the underlying cause. Erectile dysfunction after pelvic surgery, such as for prostate or colorectal cancer, appears to be caused by increased cell death (apoptosis) of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells (CCSMCs). This damage has been seen as always irreversible. Regenerative medicine would seek to reverse erectile dysfunction by replenishing the population of CCSMCs.
So regenerative medicine seeks to harness the body"s own regenerative capacity to heal the underlying causes of medical and other problems.
In erectile dysfunction (ED), researchers reported in 2019 that exosomes purified from mesenchymal stem cells treat ED in rats by inhibiting apoptosis in corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells. A further report from the same research group showed that exosomes from human stem cells successfully treated ED in a diabetic rat modelDo exosomes have something to do with stem cells?
All of the cells in your body can email each other through exosomes and this includes stem cells. The excitement behind exosomes and stem cells comes from early research showing that the positive effects of stem cells on tissue repair could also be sometimes replicated if you just used the media in which the cells were growing and got rid of the cells.
This happened through the cytokines (chemical messenger molecules) in the media as well as exosomes. Hence, the idea began that it is possible to help patients heal without stem cells, but by using only the exosomes that the stem cells produce."

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