Why You Need to Stop Criticizing Yourself! Negative self-talk is directly communicating to your subconscious mind, and will keep you stuck in a cycle a feeling bad about yourself?Quoted From: https://breakthroughmindsets.com/why-you-need-to-stop-criticizing-yourself/
"If you notice that you are in the habit of self-criticism or putting yourself down for any reason, its time to stop it now! Did you know that negative self-talk is directly communicating to your subconscious mind, which will keep you stuck in a cycle a feeling bad about yourself.
Many of us in our younger years had unpleasant experiences that made us think badly of ourselves. While some of us had so many we unconsciously translated them into core beliefs. These beliefs are expressed into feelings and emotions, where we may have found ourselves feeling inadequate, that there is something wrong with us, and we are powerless victims of our circumstances.
Be More Aware
It"s important if you know that you talk negatively to yourself, to stop it immediately. Stop calling yourself names. It"s just an old habit you"ve got yourself into, and this is how people get stuck in a cycle of feeling bad about themselves..
Are you in the habit of calling yourself names? Eliminate any words that puts you down, like idiot, stupid, or dummy from your thoughts and your vocabulary.
Get rid of any of those old unflattering terms. Because those old words keep you stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts, and beliefs that do absolutely nothing for your self-esteem or self-image."
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