Chemical Dependency

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"Residents receive treatment in a 12-bed, 2-story building that becomes "Home" for the duration of the treatment. Spacious living and dining areas, group meeting rooms, secluded courtyard, and comfortable furniture all contribute toward a friendly environment that"s especially conducive to our personalized therapeutic treatment.The serene atmosphere of the house, yard, and community helps promote recovery for residents and their families.Our treatment program for dependent women, (our residents) consists of complete abstinence from any mood-altering chemicals combined with education and counseling. Integral components of our treatment include peer support, group involvement, stress reduction through meditation and recreation, and involvement in 12-step self-help groups. After the residential portion of the program, some clients will transfer to a transitional phase and may stay up to a year while they reinforce their recovery skills and work on personal goals.We fill their hours with healthy living activities and provide counseling on nutrition, recreation, and meditation. And we work to instill self-esteem within each person, an element so important to recovery."

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