"Transitions clients may have a longer life expectancy and can still be pursuing curative treatment. Transitions offers support from the Transitions Coordinator and team of volunteers, but no direct medical care, nor does it cover any expenses related to the illness. In contrast, hospice patients have a six-month or less prognosis, receive clinical care, but are no longer receiving curative treatment.
Costs for Transitions are covered by grants and donations while costs for hospice are usually paid for by Medicare or private insurance.
Who is eligible for Transitions?
Anyone who has a life-limiting illness can use Transitions, whether or not they are receiving active treatment for an illness.
Transitions may be appropriate if you or someone you know is dealing with a life-limiting illness and may:
need help planning for increased care needs,
have trouble managing the activities of daily life,
choose to pursue treatment rather than seeking only comfort care,
feel isolated or lonely,
need help finding community services in order to maintain independence, or
have a caregiver in need of support.
What services are provided in the Transitions program?
Transitions offers connection to community resources, companionship and emotional support, practical help with errands, education about illness and what comes next, and respite for caregivers.
Transitions services are available in a client"s own residence, wherever that may be. This could be a skilled nursing facility, retirement community, adult foster home, their own home, or the home of a family member."
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