Men's Chair Yoga

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"Men"s Chair Yoga is on Sundays from 4pm-5pm. The idea here is to start the week with a gentle recharge, and yet still be home for dinner at a reasonable hour. It might work better for some guys who are busy mid-week. Please don"t think this is just for seniors! This class is good for guys new to yoga, a little extra in the middle, or recovering from an injury. But even for the experienced practitioner, don"t underestimate this class.
The more active Men"s Yoga is on Thursdays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. After the long lay-off, we"re going to be taking it easy as we re-establish this class. I"ve had young men in their teens to gentlemen well into their 70s take this class and do well. We strike a balance between a physical challenge that keeps you interested and relaxation and self-care."

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