Nurture the Peace, Love and Freedom of your True Nature

Why this resource is helpful:

The Awakening Circle for peace, freedom and happiness in daily life.
Quoted From:

"The Awakening Circle is an online community with live monthly meetings to deepen your understanding of who you really are.

We explore how to be free of suffering to live with peace of mind, wellbeing and happiness.Many of us sense that there"s more to life than meets the eye.

We know at a deeper level that who we really are is an invisible presence or awareness that is free of limitations, patterns and beliefs.

The Awakening Circle is a supportive space to nurture awareness of your true nature. We meet monthly in the company of others who share a desire to know the truth of who they are and how life really works.

This exploration supports spiritual awakening and deep healing. It reveals the peace, freedom, love and joy of our true nature and aligns our life with the unfolding of Love."

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