Outpatient Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment

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Quoted From: https://cascade-pathways.com/the-problem/

"Substance abuse problems can happen to anyone. What at one time was simply social use or something to take the edge off can subtly take over a life, with damaging effects to self, family and community. It might manifest simply as being increasingly on edge, impatient and irritable. And it can evolve from there. Sometimes depression, anxiety or other mental health issues can lead to substance abuse, and often alcohol or drug use will lead to depression and/or anxiety. Cascade Pathways staff will work with you to address these issues or provide appropriate referrals when needed.
Often drug and alcohol abuse leads to relational conflicts, family turmoil and broken relationships. Being able to honestly address these issues is an essential part of any recovery process. If it is the client"s desire, Cascade Pathways will work with spouses, a significant other or family members to develop healthier communication styles to assist in the recovery process.
Some people encounter legal problems such as a Driving Under The Influence of Intoxicant (DUII) violation as a result of alcohol or drug use. Resolving a DUII citations is a serious and burdensome process involving court hearings, fines, victim-impact panels and DUII treatment services. Cascade Pathways is certified by the state of Oregon to provide DUII Treatment services. If you are trying to address a DUII citation, click HERE to find important information about the process of addressing and resolving a DUII.
Abuse and addiction problems can happen to anyone, and these problems affect far more people than commonly believed. Approximately 7.7 percent of Oregon"s adult population abuses or is dependent on alcohol.[1] Oregon has ranked second in the U.S. for illegal drug use in adults 26 and older. One out of 10 Oregonians has used methamphetamine.[2] For non-medical use of painkillers among youth, Oregon has ranked 4th nationally with 1 out of 11 kids at least trying painkillers without medical need. Among adults 26 or older, Oregon ranks third for non-medical use of painkillers.[3]
The effects are more pronounced among youth, though the consequences of addiction don"t become apparent until later in life. Youth who begin using addictive substances are up to five times more likely to struggle with substance abuse/dependence later on in life, and they have up to three times higher rates of anxiety and depression.[4]"

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