Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum

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"Giving your baby the best possible start in life: Be a partner in your prenatal care, birth with confidence and safety, and have support and guidance postpartum.Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are unique and individual experiences.Long prenatal visits with time for questions, sharing information, and forming relationships with your midwives
Birth in our spacious birth suites attended by at least two of our certified and licensed midwives
Freedom to move freely, eat, and drink during labor
Birth on land or in water your choice. All of our birth suites feature queen size beds and spacious built-in birthing tubs
Postpartum home and office visits for you and your baby. Postpartum care is part of what makes care at our birth center so special
Lactation support and consultations
A complete lending library with resources on topics from conception to early childhood, nutrition, and self-care
Online resources including childbirth, postpartum and lactation classes"

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