Physical therapy specialized in treatment of balance problems, balance disorders, unsteadiness, and fall prevention.Quoted From:
"Aging Gracefully,
Maintaining Independence,
Feeling Good,
Enjoying Life,
and Preventing Falls...
..That's what it's all about!
In 2014 alone, more than 1/4 of older adults reported falling and more than 27,000 older adults died as a result of falls--that's 74 older adults every day.(1)
What is Balance?
Sensory Input (Inner Ear, Vision, and Joint/Muscle Receptors)
Central Processing (Brain)
Motor Output (Strength, Coordination, Range of Motion, Reaction Time, and Postural Responses)
Services Provided:
Balance Screens and Assessments
Comprehensive In-Clinic Balance Treatment Program
Customized Home/Gym Exercise Program
Recommendations for fall risk reduction and general healthful aging suggestions"
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