Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

Why this resource is helpful:

Quoted From: https://www.simpletouchtherapeutics.com/tre

"TRE is a self-care tool for managing the stress we all face in our daily lives. It is a method of accessing our nervous system"s natural neurogenic tremoring response in order to release stress, tension and/or trauma stored in your body. It's like opening a little release valve to let out some of the pressure. All mammals have this ability to quite literally "shake it off," and we can do it, too. TRE will help your body remember how to use this tremor response in order to feel better to calm down your nervous system and bring you out of "fight or flight" into "rest and repair" so you can heal and thrive not just survive.
Anyone who has stress in their life and in their body. It is particularly beneficial for someone who is interested in learning a new technique to add to their self-care toolbox. Through a series of 4-6 sessions, I will teach you how to safely and effectively develop your own personal TRE practice. Then it"s YOURS to use any time you need it, ideally on a regular basis. All levels of fitness and ability are welcome. If you are differently abled or have physical limitations, please let me know, and I will do my best to modify the activity to suit your needs."

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