Balance & Gait Disorders

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Reduce your pain and get back balance in your life with our experienced yoga classes under the physical therapy program at Essential Physical Therapy. Contact us today.
Quoted From:

"A physical therapist utilizes yoga postures to directly affect the secondary problems that a painful condition causes. Whether it"s knee pain left over from a medial meniscus surgery, or long-standing lower back pain from a herniated disc, once the pain begins to ease, it"s very likely there is still weakness, decreased coordination and stiffness that needs to be addressed.

The practice of yoga uses simple postures to challenge the body in various ways. It is both a joint mobility and muscle strengthening system. After doing a series of well-chosen yoga poses, you"ll have moved almost every joint in your body through its full range of motion stimulating joint lubricating fluids to be released in the joint capsule. And, while holding a yoga posture your muscles are being both stretched and strengthened at the same time, which has been demonstrated to be a very safe way to strengthen and lengthen muscle.t Essential Physical Therapy we understand that the key to opening the door to recovery is to find some way to reduce or abolish the pain. It"s easy to imagine that once the pain is relieved, our job is done. But, in most cases, if that is all we did, we would soon see the pain return. Remember, pain causes its own problems: the aforementioned "downward spiral". So, to get the injured area back to full health, it"s important to prescribe appropriate exercise."

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