Biofeedback-Enhanced Counseling

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"RELATIONSHIPS Why did I do that? What was I thinking? How can we be happier? We begin with the relationship with yourself. Do you like yourself? What is your opinion of yourself? Emotions are powerful and have a life of their own separate from the mind. Emotions release hormones which affect the body. Emotions can cause us to do things we regret! Let"s get a healthier part of you back in the driver"s seat while still respecting the emotional self. Learn about positive thinking, use imagery and visualization, notice patterns and become aware of the various aspects of the Self. We have a nurturing parent inside, a critical parent, a child, an adult, and other aspects with which to dialogue. The use of biofeedback can help strengthen the relationship with your brain. After you tend the relationship with yourself you can improve the relationship with others.TRAUMA Have you been physically, emotionally, psychologically, sexually or verbally abused? Not know where to start? Let"s meet and talk about what happened and how to get on with your life. I understand that it may be hard to face, but the other person(s) is only getting to stay in control unless you move on.MENTAL ILLNESS It is not your fault if you have bipolar disorder, depression, or any other mental problem. Everyone is individual. You battle with your situation the best you can. Let me help you and we will work with the strong part of yourself to control the part of you that needs help. Learn self-control skills, anger management, and other techniques to help you be happier."

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