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"Have you considered chiropractic for your kids in Eugene OR? At Pure Life Chiropractic, we firmly believe in protecting a child"s body by making sure they have the best possible functioning nervous system. It is well known that children bounce back quickly, but that is related to how they feel; physically and structurally that is not always the case. Unfortunately, children do not always verbalize exactly what they feel when they are sore, uncomfortable, or in pain, but just like with adults, if the underlying cause is left alone for too long it will grow into a bigger problem. Chiropractic care for children can be very beneficial.
Starting from the time a child is conceived, their bodies are growing and being put under stress. While the child is growing, they are usually curled up in a ball, and then they are pushed and/or pulled during birth. I just ask that you just take a second and think about how you would feel if today you underwent that kind of experience. All of this stress and trauma affects our spine which can lead to issues with the nervous system. This is a problem because the nervous system is what controls everything our body does such as blinking, breathing, heartbeat, the ability to fight illness, walk, talk, think, speak, etc."

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