Head Injury

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Quoted From: http://www.drstuartsilberman.com/

"Neurofeedback allows the brain to find its way back to better function. This is a brain-driven process that merely depends upon the brain being given information on its own behavior as it is occurring. Mental health issues generally, and TBI specifically, can be understood as failures in brain self-regulation. Profound recoveries have been achieved, particularly with minor traumatic brain injury, but benefits are observed across the board with TBI.s with any effective treatment, the first step of the neurofeedback process is an in-depth assessment which allows us to understand how your brain functions. This assessment leads to a determination of our treatment goals and on what areas of the brain we need to focus. The video below shows the different areas of brain function.

With neurofeedback we are enhancing an awareness of our internal states by allowing the brain to witness its own EEG activity. This promotes the brain to self-regulate, which supports better function. Our nervous systems strive to keep us alive and to function at an optimal level. However, we often get stuck in dysfunctional modes of behavior. Our goal is to allow the nervous system to calm down and to reset itself onto a better path.

How do our brains witness their own EEG activity? Electrodes (small sensors) are attached to the scalp with paste. These electrodes read the brain"s activity, which, in turn, alters a video screen according to how your brain is functioning, providing feedback to the brain."

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