How can a health coach help me after cancer?

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"Health Coaching is a relatively new field and many people haven"t even heard of it before. Health coaches can help people with many different types of health issues, concerns and/or chronic diseases. Generally, a health coach helps people make lifestyle changes to improve their health and reach their health and wellness goals.
After cancer treatment many people are left feeling pretty crummy, both physically and mentally. The most common side effects include fatigue, weight changes, depression, insomnia, anxiety and fear of recurrence.
Some people may need more or less education on nutrition, or don"t know which types of exercise boost your energy and lift your mood, or how to lower your stress hormone (cortisol) level to feel calmer and sleep better. Each person is different. For example, I find that some women aren"t making healthy eating choices because they either A. don"t know what healthy eating choices are, or B. know what healthy eating choices are but aren"t motivated or in the right place mentally to make them. Those are two totally different issues and should be addressed differently.
A health coach will work with you to set goals and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve them. You can expect to discuss topics such as nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleep, and any other areas that are relevant to your health and wellness."

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