How Do Adult Stem Cells Work?

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"Adult stem cells work by replacing or repairing damaged cells within the body
Adult stem cells are a type of undifferentiated cell found in various tissues and organs of the body.
These cells are capable of self-renewal, meaning they can divide and create more stem cells, as well as differentiate into specialized cell types.
One of the most significant functions of adult stem cells is their ability to replace or repair damaged or diseased cells in the body.
When tissues or organs are damaged, adult stem cells are activated to replace the damaged or lost cells. They migrate to the site of injury or disease and differentiate into the specific cell types needed to replace the lost or damaged tissue.
For example, if a person has a heart attack, adult stem cells in the heart muscle can differentiate into new heart muscle cells to replace the damaged ones.
They also have the ability to repair damaged cells without replacing them. In this case, the stem cells release growth factors and cytokines that stimulate the repair of damaged cells. For example, adult stem cells in the liver can release factors that stimulate the regeneration of damaged liver cells.
The use of adult stem cells in regenerative medicine has shown great promise for the treatment of a variety of diseases and injuries. Because these cells are obtained from the patient"s own body, there is no risk of rejection or ethical concerns associated with the use of human embryonic stem cells."

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