"During the birth process, the baby"s head molds to fit through the mother"s pelvis. It is normal for the cranial bones to override each other. After birth, these overrides and other accommodations in the baby"s skull should not persist. If they do not correct themselves, they can interfere with proper cranial nerve function leading to colic, breathing, swallowing, digestive or sensory-motor impairments and more. Sometimes babies are injured in the birth process. The injuries may be both physical and emotional. CST can address these injuries as well as the effects of lack of normal mobility in utero, precipitous or prolonged labor, vacuum extraction, forceps or cesarean birth.
Cesarean births can be harder on babies than we imagine. Cesarean-born babies have lower Apgar scores, more respiratory distress, more abnormal neurological exams, and more abnormal CST evaluations. They have more chronic middle ear infections and other problems throughout childhood. The birth process is more abrupt and potentially more frightening than vaginal birth. Surgically born infants have fewer quiet alert periods right after birth and have less opportunity to share bonding time with their mothers who may be unconscious or recovering in another room. CST can effectively address all of these things."
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