Infrared Sauna

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"Full spectrum Infra-red Sauna is an excellent way to relax and detoxify your body. These saunas are unique and may be different from others you have experienced in the past. Infra-red heat works much like the sun, heating objects or bodies in its direct path and has a lesser effect on surrounding air. So the air inside will not feel stifling, but your core will heat up and your skin will still sweat. Infra-red heat is not ultraviolet radiation but a narrow band of energy between 5.6 to 15 microns, which is the most therapeutic to the human body. It mimics the spectrum of sunlight, but without harmful solar radiation. As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart works harder pumping more blood, achieving the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise. By widening your blood vessels and enriching your blood with oxygen you feel more energetic, and your skin gets a beautiful, youthful glow. We also have provided a cold outdoor shower, to rinse toxins and sweat from your skin and send all the warmth deeper into your core. The private garden setting is peaceful and serene and connected bluetooth sound allows you to customize your experience."

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