Is Bodywork Temporary?

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"Think of it like this:You get in your car and you get on the highway. During what part of your trip does your body register movement or change in velocity? When you accelerate, right? But once you're on the highway you no longer notice that you are speedily traveling down the highway.Bodywork, especially modalities specifically addressing the fascial system, is very much like that. After you receive Structural Integration you get up off the table and suddenly feel your feet, your back, or your hips in a fresh new way. It often feels like youare feeling them for the first time. So what happens in a few days when you no longer notice this? The reason, I think, is due to the changes and once-new sensation falling into the background of everyday life where things like the hum of the fridge, dust bunnies under the bed, or a dripping faucet go unnoticed. Like many things, unless they are novel, or we become deliberately aware of them, they pass unnoticed. So it doesn't mean that the fridge isn't working, or that our spines literally become longer, it's that our brain is extremely adept at tuning out familiar sensations in order to allow for new ones.When we apply this concept to bodywork we know with certainty that something has changed from before we got on the table. But to say those changes are no longer there because you don't notice them is false. As is usual with Rolfing or Structural Integration, clients can choose to have pictures taken of themselves before beginning the 10 sessions (see my article about the 10 sessions), after 5 sessions, after 10 sessions, and 6 months after the last session. What is remarkable is not only the profound changes from session 1 through 10, but that the body becomes progressively more aligned in gravity after 6 months without further bodywork. This indicates what bodyworkers everywhere and what recipients of this work can attest to: the work is progressive."

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