Regenerative Hair Regeneration Treatment

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"Hair thinning and baldness can result from hormonal changes, medication side effects, medical conditions, or heredity. It is chronic, progressive, and frustrating, and it affects women as well as men. Thinning hair can occur as an overall thinning, a widening bald spot, a sudden loosening of the hair follicles, or several random bald patches.
Regenerative therapies can provide successful treatments for thinning hair without surgery and the complications or contraindications of prescription hair stimulation medications.
Thinning hair has many causes, from styling damage to genetics to stress. In addition, pharmaceutical side effects, depression, heart problems, arthritis, radiation therapy, gout, high blood pressure, and poor diet can all result in progressively thinning hair or hair loss.
Yet the issue isn"t so much "hair thinning" or "hair loss" as it is the inability to grow new hair quickly enough to replace shed hair. After all, we typically lose 50 to 100 hairs daily as part of a natural renewal cycle; this is normal. So long as your hair continues to grow well, you will never notice that loss.
Every hair follicle goes through a four-stage cycle, including an active growth stage (anagen) and a resting stage (telogen) before the hair falls out. In healthy hair, a new hair grows in the follicle, displacing the old hair that falls away.
Regenerative hair treatments go to the source the follicles to rehabilitate them, making them healthier and more productive. The hair follicle is one of the few structures in the body that can resume healthy functioning after shutting down. That is the goal of our natural hair regrowth treatments. We help your hair follicles wake up again, re-enter the anagen stage, and begin growing healthy new hair."

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