Serenity Session/Detox OR Energy Work

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"You pick between Ionic Detox Foot Bath or Energy Work Session. (Please specify in the comments when you book)
Plan to wear comfortable clothes for either choice. Slip on or loose shoes for the foot bath especially. Drink plenty of water before and after either session.
For Detox Foot Bath we pump ions into warm water that your feet are soaking in. This allows your cells to line up for clear pathway of communication. The ions bond to toxins and create a chemical reaction and different colors in the water. Your body will continue to detox through sweat, bowels and urine. This process supports your body in maintaining an alkaline state for up to 48 hours. Disease cannot thrive in alkaline environment.
Client have shared benefits of foot detox including improved:
*Mental Clarity
*Ease of Body Movement
*Feeling in Their Feet
Energy Work includes Reiki and ThetaHealing:
Reiki is like a massage for your chakras, realigning your energy centers. I do not actually touch you physically, it is a vibrational process.
With ThetaHealing we are able to "Cut Cords" from any unwanted energies/ entities that may be connected to you and may be holding you back. Next, we are able to tap into your subconscious and pull your Root Core Beliefs and replace them with new ones. The subconscious runs more of our actions than we realize!
During Energy Work session, sometimes we do guided meditations and sometimes we spend most of the time in silence... Your mind, body, and spirit know what they need!
Energy Work can be performed in person or remotely!
Clients have shared with me that they experienced:
*Feeling a sense of peace of mind and body that they haven't felt in awhile
*Better relationships with the physical and the non-physical.
*A better innerstanding & clarity of their next steps"

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