"Sacred Rapeh
Rapeh is legal sacred shamanic snuff medicine, which is pronounced 'ha-peh' in English. They are very rare, sacred, powerful, precious, profoundly healing and cleansing miracle medicines. They are made in a very sacred and labor-intensive process and consist of various Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, and other sacred ingredients. Some types of rapeh are made by various indigenous tribes, who originate from different South American countries - primarily Brazil and Peru. Traditionally, this is applied by using a pipe made from bamboo or bone, which is blown through each nostril on both sides. Generally, they have the following effects - profoundly helps to re-align and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any sickness on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens up the third-eye, decalcifies the pineal gland, clears any mental confusion, releases any negative thoughts, removes any entities, connects you to your divine breath, and elevates your connection with Spirit.
Sananga Visionary Eye Drops
Sananga is the juice extracted from the roots of an Amazonian plant, whose indigenous name is Mata Heins, a name that comes from the Huni Kuin dialect, spoken by the Kaxinawas. It is a bush tree from the amazon region, utilized by the Kaxinawa Indians and other tribes. The warrior Indians, before going hunting, will take a drop in each eye, making their perception sharpened, so they can perceive subtle movements in the dense forest. The Kaxinawa explain that Sananga works in two main energetic healing ways: Physical and Spiritual. It is believed that the "Spirit of Sananga"; the energy, the intelligence, that analog to the active principle of this powerful plant, acts directly in the original cause of the disease, in the so-called psychosomatic processes. The psychosomatic illnesses are of psychic origins, but as they are potentialized they are manifested in the Soma, or the physical body. The eyes are the windows of the soul, where all that we see and all that we project is stored, including our Karmic History. The Spirit of Sananga makes a kind of verification of the energetic patterns that are out of balance, and it goes on diluting these forces that constitute the Panemas. The result of this application is a balancing of the soul, synchronized with this spiritual force of nature, an expansion of the force of the spiritual vision, or of the AJNA CHAKRA, the third vision, the inner vision, and also an improvement in the ocular physiology. Sananga is indicated in cases of diseases such as: Glaucoma, cataract, near and farsightedness, dystrophies, color alterations, among others. There are cases of people who are healed of nearsightedness with one application, and there have been improvements of the perception of colors immediately. The person will feel a strong vibration, where several degrees of burning may occur according to the spiritual state of a person. With time, the person will align him/herself to the spirit of Sananga and will feel less burning, when his or her vision will already have had an immense gain. After the burning, which lasts about 3 minutes, colors will become sharper and there are visible improvements to the standards of vision. Many treatments are miraculous, immediate, while some others occur long term, but not less miraculous. It's a different experience, unique, of transformation, spiritually and in the vision of a person. In a broader sense of the word."
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