We offer a full spectrum of spinal rehabilitation services for adults and children with spinal cord injuries. Learn about our advanced Healthy Back Program!Quoted From: https://eugene-chiropractor.com/spinal-rehabilitation/
"If you are one of the millions who suffer from recurring back pain, and have found that your attempts at complicated and time-consuming exercise programs and treatments have not helped, our spinal rehabilitation program may be what you need. Utilizing some of the most technologically advanced lumbar rehabiliation equipment the MedX Lumbar Exercise machine safely isolates, tests, and strengthens the deep stabilizing muscles in your lower back. These muscles are called your multifidi and are often the root cause of lower back pain. The equipment operates at a very low level of friction and provide accurate and consistently smooth resistance throughout normal ranges of motion.Strengthening the deep spinal muscles over a two to three-month period with the MedX Lumbar exercise machine will significantly reduce or eliminate chronic pain and improve functional abilities. As your function improves, the body normally moves toward regaining health. Published research demonstrates a near 80% success rate for people in pain suffering with conditions such as arthritis, herniated discs, sciatic nerve pain, and degenerative joint disease."
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