True Love Reigns Within

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"Why acts of self-love through a daily gratitude practice promotes better health
and allows more love to flow to you and from you.
With Valentine's Day around the corner, you may be bombarded with advertising and promotions with gift-centered romance themes. I"m not much of a romantic, but I am all about love. It"s impossible to fully love another unless we love ourselves. This is the main reason why I feel Valentine's Day is an added reason to reflect on self-love.
Self-love may seem selfish to some, but by filling up your own cup of love, it becomes effortless to share your love and attention with everyone else around you. There is no better way to foster love than by taking moments out of the day to mindfully breathe, turn attention within, and recenter thoughts onto feelings of gratitude for all that we have. This could be in the form of meditation, writing in a gratitude journal, while stretching, or simply spending quiet time alone focusing on the things we love about ourselves, our family, and those we encounter. Essentially, no distractions. No phones or TVs, just experience sweet solitude and silence.
Gratitude = Peace, Acceptance, Oneness, and of course, Love.
This daily gratitude practice is all the more powerful when accompanied by an aroma that brings you joy and comfort.
Our sense of smell is one of the most powerful tools we can use to encourage love, intimacy, and opening up the heart. Just by inhaling essential oils, you make an immediate connection with your limbic system which governs the regions related to emotions and memories."

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