What Can I Expect To Gain From Craniosacral?

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Quoted From: https://www.fluidbodylight.com/more


What is CranioSacral Therapy?
Craniosacral therapy addresses the craniosacral system. Parts of the system include: cerebrospinal fluid, the lining (the meningies) of the brain and spinal cord that contains cerebrospinal fluid, the bony attachments and the mechanisms that produce and reabsorb cerebrospinal fluid. The craniosacral system has a powerful influence over the nervous system as well as the endocrine and immune systems. There is also a palpable subtle rhythmic pulsation that is a characteristic of the craniosacral system.
The Crainiosacral therapist searches for areas in the body that may be restricting the craniosacral system from functioning at its optimum. The therapist can access the craniosacral system by gently touching bones of the skull, the sacrum (large bone at the base of the spine) and other areas of the body.
The result of a restriction in the craniosacral system may result in anything from headache to body aches that could be anywhere in the body. The central nervous system sends messages to the muscles and organs of the body. It is important that the muscles and organs get these unrestricted messages. There are few systems in the body that have as much influence on the central nervous system as the craniosacral system- having it healthy and fully functioning can make a world of difference in your physical, emotional and spiritual health.
What can I expect to gain?
The list of symptoms and conditions that CST has helped and or eliminated is very extensive. Many people discover CST after trying other therapies that did not work for them. I have personally experienced very positive shifts in my outlook on life, hormonal balance, pain in my neck and hips, clenching my jaw, immune system, and digestive function. I have had clients report that the benefit of CST was more lasting and effective than their chiropractor (on low back pain)."

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