What to Expect at Your Massage Appointment

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Quoted From: https://mendmassage.net/what-to-expect/

"When your therapist is ready for you they will come and get you. Masks are to be worn at all times except when face down on the table. We will take your temperature when you enter the building. If you have a fever above 100 you will be asked to leave and we will reschedule your appointment time. We will ask you to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. Your therapist will go over your intake with you. Here we will discuss your expectations for massage, how you are feeling at the time, your health history, and anything else of importance. There may be postural assessment at this time.The massage table is heated and can be adjusted to your comfort level. There are breast recesses in the table to allow for those with larger breasts to have a neutral spine position while lying prone. Your therapist will leave the room and you will dress down to where you feel most comfortable and settle into the massage table under the sheet and blankets. The therapist will keep you modestly draped throughout the massage and will only expose the areas they are working on. If you like, they can work over the blanket or you may remain clothed.The therapist will check in with you throughout the massage. It is important that you communicate any pain or discomfort throughout your session. They will start with a lighter pressure to warm the tissue and encourage the body to accept the work. As they work, their pressure will become deeper and more focused. Your therapist will guide you to breathe and receive the work as your massage continues. They may introduce heat packs, warm towels, essential oils, healing liniments and salves, and cupping or gua sha to your session."

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