You Hold The Keys To Your Own Health And Vitality.

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"The Law of Attraction and Frequencies that"s is what this is all about. These seem to be buzz-words of the day so let"s see how simple we can make it.
You hold the keys to your own health and vitality. Through intention and sound we simply help you unlock your potential.
When our soul, mind, heart, and body come into harmony with our divine essence we feel light and joyous, heard, seen, known. I like to think of it as we hold more light, or "vibrate at a higher frequency". When we have traumatic or stressful experiences that are painful, out of alignment with our truth, or dense with fear and they do not get resolved or expressed, our body stores them. They are stored in our "cellular memory", even our DNA, and make us more dense, or cause us to "vibrate at a lower frequency". After a while, these unresolved, stored up dense energies or misalignments manifest as dis-ease, illnesses, or inefficient patterns of behavior.
During a session we call upon your divine nature, your "light body", your most radiant state and purest source and invite your divine essence to retune you through our songs, sounds, loving care and attention. We literally invite your angels and soul to play us like instruments, and we get the privilege of feeling deep unconditional love for you. During this process your cells get reminded that they are beautiful, creative, and cherished and even though we are acting as agents of the Divine, it is a relationship with you and your true nature that is doing the work. The places that have stored pain get to be re-tuned. Many times Bob and I can even "hear" higher truths or "see" initial traumas as they let go. Sometimes there is homework to help you love yourself more, or to support you in drawing boundaries, or changing behavior, but it is always about "feeling/seeing" you hold more of your light, beauty, and truth.
Once you are tuned with unconditional loving songs and Reiki life-force energy you will feel deeply relaxed and emotionally shifted, but the real miraculous healing happens over time as you learn how to let this love in. As you become tuned less to the engrained and traumatic stories that are stored in your cells, and tuned more to your "light-body" frequency over time you will attract information and experiences that will answer or resolve the issues and help you rewrite the stories you live by. As you open to the divine truth of who you are more and more, you will attract teachers, medical remedies, emotional tools, and spiritual practices more in alignment with your truth and your purpose. Even the relationships that are close to you may go through changes. Every part of your life gets an upgrade as you hold more of your light and love.
Short cuts and instantaneous healings sometimes happen, but in most cases the issues we all face have many layers, and the resolution of these tangled patterns become a healing process for many of the people close to us as well as us. The session with us will be just the start of your realignment and retunning.
The best way to measure the effectiveness of a healing with us is to:
Start with an intention about what you want to work on. The clearer and more focused the better.
Be receptive to the light vessel you are and fill up with the love that is being channeled through us.
Apply some habit changing practices based on the "homework" you may receive during the session.
Notice when your habitual behavior does not feel natural and make different choices based on what feels expansive or "right" to you, treating yourself divinely. Change your actions and habits to align with new insights and frequencies.
Pay attention to synchronicities. Notice when answers and new insights seem to show up in your daily life unexpectedly through people, articles, experiences and opportunities. Listen to them and receive their teachings."

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