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Quoted From: https://www.bluecliffzen.org/zen-yoga/

"Zen yoga emphasizes three intertwined dimensions of physical alignment, the flow of energy in the body, and awareness (or mindfulness). Mindfulness of the body is one of the four practices taught by the Buddha that leads to enlightenment. Please see the bottom of the page for a more in depth look at the background of Zen yoga.Some Zen temples include a taiso ("body exercise") period in the morning which includes yoga-like shapes and vigorous repetitive exercises. Zen taiso is one form of Zen yoga. These exercises are designed to open and relax the body in preparation for seated meditation and develop a deeper awareness of the body.Zen yoga refers to a variety of physical and energetic practices that can be found within the Zen Buddhist tradition, and increasingly taught in the West. Some Zen temples include a taiso (exercise) period, often early in the morning, including yoga-like postures, quick repetitive exercises, and/or more flowing exercises reminiscent of Tai Chi.[1] These exercises are designed to open and unblock the body in preparation for sitting meditation, develop a deeper awareness of the body, and as an opportunity to practice "becoming one" with what"s happening in the moment (expressed in Japanese through the terms narikiru become one or ima-koko now-here)."

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