Alcohol Withdrawal Cold Turkey

Why this resource is helpful:

Although alcohol is not considered illegal in the United States, it still poses long-term health threats, and can change people physically and mentally.
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"Alcohol, found in spirits, wines, and beverages, is an addictive substance. Although alcohol is not considered illegal in the United States, it still poses long-term health threats, and can change people physically and mentally. Mood swings can manifest more, and violent tendencies become triggered while intoxicated. Also, chronic alcohol consumption can cause substance dependence and potential alcohol poisoning when binge drinking.Continuous consumption of alcoholic beverages has proven risks. However, more than these adverse effects, quitting becomes exponentially tricky relative to the duration of alcohol addiction. In simpler terms, when an individual becomes addicted to alcohol, they may eventually lose the ability to be productive without drinking a bottle or two. To make things worse, a person with severe alcohol dependence can experience "cold turkey" when he or she abruptly tries to quit drinking without proper professional help and guidance."

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