Canaries In The Mine

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"Every successful social movement in this country's history has used disruption as a strategy to fight for social change. Whether it was the Boston Tea Party to the sit-ins at lunch counters throughout the South, no change has been won without disruptive action." ~ Alicia Garza
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"Every successful social movement in this country's history has used disruption as a strategy to fight for social change. Whether it was the Boston Tea Party to the sit-ins at lunch counters throughout the South, no change has been won without disruptive action.

~ Alicia Garza

The Role of Empaths in the Transitioning to the New Age
We are living interesting times. We have been navigating a new age for quite a while now. It has been uncomfortable as we tear down an old system to build a new one.

People and society evolve in a spiral. Individually, we have the opportunity to address and re-address lessons or areas of growth where we have struggled in the past. For instance, setting healthy boundaries in our close relationships.

In society, it is very similar. Now, for example, we are learning all the many ways we have wielded power in harmful ways and being given another opportunity to review our power structures and continue forward as we have been going or choose a path with more equity and care for humanity.

Disruptors interrupt a pattern or system by causing a disturbance or problem. Empaths as sensitives are a disruptor right now. We are not able to live quietly under the current circumstances. We are getting sick on the food and chemicals all around us, we are overwhelmed by the noise and busy-ness, and we are emotionally burnout by the caustic environments we live and work in.

Five years ago, there was very little written about empaths and only a small percentage of people knew to identify themselves as such. Now there are many people writing about it, speaking about it, and many, many people discovering it and identifying themselves as empaths."

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