Communication Tips for Couples

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Communication is hard; it's challenging. It's also an art; if mastered efficiently, it can elevate your relationship to a whole new level of understanding! Here are 9 communication tips for couples...
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"Communication is key. You"ve probably heard that countless times that you"re rolling your eyes right now, but it is true. Communication is hard; it"s challenging. It"s also an art; if mastered efficiently, it can elevate your relationship to a whole new level of understanding!

Here are 9 communication tips for couples that"ll help you grow closer to each other as you practice them.

1. Listen
Not Beyonce"s song, but the actual skill.

If we"re to replace this whole article with one word, it"d be "listen." Listening is hands down the most important skill in communication in any type of relationship. Luckily, it"s a skill that can be acquired and practiced.

Listen actively to your partner with all your senses. Be completely invested in their story and don"t interrupt them except for when you need clarification. Validate what they feel even if you"re not 100% on board with it. Then, after they let it all out, you can iron out the issues.

2. Set Your Boundaries
Boundaries are like rules that separate what you approve from what you don"t. It distinguishes things that you"re comfortable about from other things that might cause you discomfort - especially these that your partner isn"t aware of-.

Whenever something that you like or dislike happens, take the chance and express how you feel about it. Make sure not to attack your partner, though. Just tell them how you feel about that, whether you like it or not.

A simple "I don"t feel comfortable when you " would do. That way, you"re establishing clear boundaries, which will ease your communications in the long run.

3. Don"t Bring Up Past Mistakes
If you talk things out regularly with your partner, you shouldn"t reach this point. Yet, in the midst of a confrontation, some people might bring up their partner"s past mistakes into the argument, which might blow up the whole thing!

Recalling your partner"s shortcomings while you"re talking puts them in a corner. You"re practically accusing them of something that happened in the past, something they can"t change now, so they"ll naturally start to get angry and aggressive.

Above all, they"ll become defensive, so they won"t be listening to you clearly, nor will they be thinking straight. They"ll resent you for it, and it won"t help either of you."

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