Counseling for Cancer

Why this resource is helpful:

Counseling Portland, Counseling NW Portland, Counseling SW Portland, Marney Hoffman provides counseling for depression, anxiety, relationship struggles, grief and loss, work stress, chronic pain, cancer, and among other health related struggles.
Quoted From:

"Receiving a cancer diagnosis may be one of the most difficult moments in your life. It may be even more difficult to move through the many stages of the cancer journey - from diagnosis to active treatment and even into survivorship. Each stage of the cancer journey offers its own set of challenges and difficulties. Whether you are new to cancer, someone who has been living with cancer as a chronic disease, or a cancer survivor - adjusting to the many stages can be overwhelming, frightening, and may cause feelings of loneliness and isolation. Overall, receiving a cancer diagnosis is life-altering. Life may feel like it has stopped. It may also feel like it has stopped for those around you as a cancer diagnosis doesn't just affect you but also impacts everyone around you.

Some of the reasons people seek counseling support after receiving a cancer diagnosis includes:

Manage the emotional impact such as depression, anxiety, anger, confusion, and fear
Illness related concerns such as treatment options, regimen, and reaction to treatment
Grief & loss of what you "used to be"
Body image concerns
Relationship stress and family conflict
Adjustment to cancer pain, cognitive impairment, fatigue
Navigating the health care system
Decreased quality of life
Impact on job/career
Fear of cancer recurrence
End-of-life issues"

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