EMDR Intensives

Why this resource is helpful:

Quoted From: https://www.naturalmindcounseling.com/emdr-intensives

"Weekly therapy has tons of research about its effectiveness, however, some clients find that they are in need of change right now. Or there isn"t an ability to attend weekly therapy in a consistent way. This is where EMDR intensives come in.EMDR intensive is an extended space just for you. These intensives offer 4-6 blocks of time, either on one day, or spread out over a week for a focused treatment approach. These intensive also allow current or potential clients to skip my waiting list, as well as design a schedule that works for their lives.EMDR is not just for trauma; it is also used for performance enhancement to excel in areas such as athletics, business, and relationships.Intensives begin first with a consultation, where we discuss what potential issue you would like to focus on in the intensive, as well as what schedule can work best for you."

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