Energy Healer

Why this resource is helpful:

"As a Shamanic Practitioner, Energy Healer,
Spiritual Counselor and Life Coach,
I use ancient and modern modalities to empower you for living in these important times."
Quoted From:

"Reading & Cleaning of your Energy Field:
I use an ancient tool called the MESA, (Andean Medicine Bundle) which has its origins in the spiritual tradition of the Q'ero, (the descendents of the Inka), who live in the Andes Mountains. The Mesa is used to clear Hucha -the denser energy made by your anxieties, worries or limited thinking which is caught in the Human Energy Field in the emotional layer, which is closest to your physical body. The most stubborn energy is usually in the forms that looks like sharp shards. This stuck energy has a direct correlation between your emotional and physical state. It is made of your intense emotions, old thinking patterns and life experiences, (relationships, self esteem, life purpose etc.) which show up as physical, mental and spiritual chronic conditions, dysfunctions and illnesses. The release of such stuck energy fosters mental and physical healing, bringing a deeper sense of peace and unity with your Source."

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