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How are your eyes feeling? Dry? Tired? Just about everyone is spending too much time staring at screens these days, and we are feeling the effects of that in our eyes. The thing is, people are experiencing more... Read More
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"How are your eyes feeling? Dry? Tired? Just about everyone is spending too much time staring at screens these days, and we are feeling the effects of that in our eyes. The thing is, people are experiencing more than their eyes just feeling physically dry and tired, their eyes are also feeling energetically stiff and stuck.

What most people don"t realize is that there are more than just physical remedies to help our eyes feel better. Of course, using things like eye drops can help! But because there"s more going on energetically when we stare at a screen, often we need more than just drops. We could use some energy tools to help shift the "stuckness." Here are some quick and easy energy techniques to help our eyes feel clear and relaxed. I"ll show you three you can choose from.

First, cord cutting. The action of focusing our eyes on something, especially something electronic, has the effect of creating an energetic connection to that item. We need to disconnect that attachment. It"s as if we have a string or a wire between our eyes and the computer screen. Imagining we are pulling that string off our eyes is one way to disconnect that cord.

Second, eye circles. This process of physically moving the eyes in a certain pattern helps loosen the stuck energy in the area of the eyeball. That pattern is rotating the eyes in a circle, starting with our eyes looking up and then moving down towards our right shoulder. Continue the circle all the way around, and repeat multiple times.

Third, sweeping. Simple movements with our hands helps clear the stuck energy away from the eyes and creates more spaciousness so they feel less stiff. Keeping your fingers together, use your hands like little whisk brooms and sweep (without touching) your eyes from the bridge of the nose out to the ears. Do this multiple times and then clap the energy off your hands. You can also flick the old energy into an energy trash can, which we make by filling a bowl with salt and water.

So give these techniques a try! I not only recommend them for everyday use for my clients, but I actually use these for myself as well! You may notice that even after just one set of these three exercises, that your eyes feel freer, can move easier and feel more spacious."

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