Jungian Dream Analysis

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Jungian dream analysis involves dynamic inner modes of personal expression from one's unconscious realms.
Quoted From: https://counselingneportland.com/jungian-analysis/

"For Jung, images from dreams, fantasy, reverie, or our own creation are not static. Rather, they are dynamic inner ways of personal expression and energies from our unconscious realms. They are full of vigor and feeling.
Images emerge from dreams, reveries, daydreams, fantasies, and even nightmares. In working with images, Jung was looking for meaning for individuals. Careful reflection upon images can lead to better discernment about them. Integrating this awareness into our conscious lives gives rise to healing for the wounded psyche.
More specifically, images in your psyche can be translated into personally meaningful language, making these inner events more available for understanding. As you work with your dream and other images, you can develop skills that serve you well beyond the end of your therapy with me. It is also important to say that your dreams are specific to you, and you are the expert concerning your dream.Images from your dreams and your other resources (such as journals or drawings) can guide the form of the therapy.
Jungian analysis is a safe and supportive process, regularly leading to deeper understanding of one"s issues and to pragmatic solutions regarding life situations and issues.Jungian work focuses on people"s growth toward wholeness. Another way to say this is our work supports the maturation of the personality. One of the jewels among Jung"s contributions is Jung recognized that people were trying to heal, even in all their difficulty.Jung"s view of psyche is prospective, meaning people work toward possibility. Jungian work helps to advance one"s growth and healing but not without interactive work on your part. In the our sessions, we work to better engage issues you face now in life. We work to understand them more deeply. We use talking, art therapy, dream analysis to invite in thoughts, sensory feelings, emotional feelings, your observations, and other responses you experience. In this way, a person in my practice comes closer to his, her, or their own individual nature and away from the conditioning of what Jung called the collective, meaning family and the elements of larger society that may regularly overwhelm us. In this work, people who see me work to uncover their more effective and whole personalities and to contribute to their community."

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