Why this resource is helpful:

Quoted From: https://senseofselfportland.com/

"My clients struggle like you do. Despite being kind, clever, and thoughtful life is hard.When they first come in, they often are overtaken by the emotions of living in such a complex fast-paced world. They often worry about how others are doing and letting them down. The pressures of social media and political polarization leaves them exhausted. They feel frustrated, embarrassed, and helpless.Their thoughts run on an endless loop that gets in the way of the life they want in so many ways. They aren"t the kind of person they want to be. They feel like they"re falling farther from the partner, friend, and family member they strive to be. And their confidence at work and home is tanking.Before they came to see me, they felt embarrassed for feeling helpless and overwhelmed. They worried talking to a stranger would mean losing more control. The crushing fear of worry is paralyzing.Like my clients you deserve to live a more calm and grounded life. The goal of handling the hustle of many demands while maintaining good boundaries and self-care is not out of your reach. If you want to feel more capable and in charge of your life, I"d love to help you get there."

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