While you are enjoying your halo massage, a salt generator silently emits vaporized salt into the room as you relax and breathe deeply.Quoted From: https://www.zamamassage.com/service/halo-massage/
"Halo Massage Includes:
Treatment in salt room
Breath vaporized salt to promote deep breathing & relaxation
Choose from Swedish, deep tissue, sports & craniosacral
Enjoy ambient lit salt panels on the walls and ceiling
Perfect way to get a salt treatment and massage in at the same time!
Live and breathe easier with halotherapy.
Although halotherapy is cutting-edge and is currently used throughout Asia and Europe, salt therapy dates all the way back to ancient Egypt. Salt has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that provide healing benefits to the whole body- specifically the skin and respiratory system. It also stimulates healthy immune function and provides relief from stress, anxiety, and depression. Salt therapy can help you breathe easier and live better- from the inside out.
Halotherapy is beneficial for respiratory and skin concerns.
Halotherapy is beneficial to those that suffer from asthma, allergies, and bronchitis, as well as skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Clinical studies have shown that patients have been able to reduce their use of medications, hospital visits, and frequency of asthma and allergy attacks through the use of salt therapy. It is also recommended for healthy people, as it boosts the immune system and helps to combat the pollutants, dust, and bacteria in our environment.
Decrease stress and increase immunity.
The therapeutic inhalation of salt is made possible with the use of our state-of-the-art halo generator, which produces micro-sized salt particles. As you inhale the salt into your lungs, it decreases inflammation of the bronchial passages and helps to fight infection. Our halotherapy rooms also creates a negative ion environment that decreases stress, promotes relaxation, and increases an overall sense of well-bein"
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