Neural Therapies & Injections for Chronic Pain

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"What is Neural Therapy?
Neural therapy involves small injections of Procaine (a local anesthetic) into specific areas of the body.
Neural therapy acts as a "reset button" repolarizing nerves and ganglia and restoring membrane potential of damaged cells.
The theory behind the therapy relates to trauma and how a tissue"s poor response to trauma often creates longstanding blocks in normal body function. There are many conditions that neural therapy can treat and thousands of individuals have experienced its healing benefits.
Neural therapy was first developed in Germany but is now used across the globe as a natural treatment to ease chronic pain.
Here in the United States, more people are familiar with the terms "trigger point injections", or "nerve blocks" following the work of Dr. Travell MD, a US pioneer in the area. Few people know, however, that Dr. Travell wrote her reference book after studying in Germany where she learned firsthand."

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