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"ased on health history, symptoms, lab and exam findings, Dr. Thomas tailors your individualized nutritional plan. She works with specific diets to support and promote deep healing for each person - anti-inflammatory, autoimmune, celiac, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, detoxification diets, FODMAPS, GAPS, and SCD. Nutritional therapy is foundational to healing digestive conditions such as colitis, Crohn"s, constipation, diarrhea, dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance), hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut (intestinal permeability), reflux (GERD), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and yeast overgrowth.
What we eat directly affects our digestive health, and greatly impacts every system of the body, including how we feel mentally and emotionally. A healthy diet is essential for supporting and regenerating our cells, tissues, organs and brains. The nutrition we eat, or lack thereof, controls how our genes function to either support vitality or cause decline. We can truly rewire ourselves for optimal health and prevent disease and neurological decline.
Many diseases now accepted as common, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, autoimmune, ADD, and autism were extremely rare 100 years ago. The changes in our diets and lifestyles are proving to be tremendously damaging. When researchers study the health of people eating the traditional foods of their ancestors they find these cultures are not plagued by modern diseases. They have excellent physical and emotional health, strong bone structure and healthy weight, and no cavities, infertility, or degenerative, chronic disease. By getting back to eating the way humans were designed by nature and evolution we can make a profound shift in the right direction for ourselves and future generations."

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