"Being hypnotized is a different experience for everyone. That may not be the answer you were looking for, but that's the consensus. As unique as we all are, that is how individual our experiences come. Some will feel light and floaty, others will feel heavy and grounded, and some will feel no physical sensations but have mental clarity from their regular thought rumination. Each of these sections will be based on my experience working with client"s over the years. Know that you can fall into several categories; remember, we are complex humans, so it makes sense that we can embody several different occasions throughout trance. This is not a one size fits all approach, so as you read, notice what resonates with you, and what doesn"t. This will help you better understand where you fall on the spectrum.
The Deep Divers
Those who struggle with constant thoughts are deep divers. You know the type; when they are trying to relax, they find themselves thinking about how their day went well or how their day went poorly. They bring up memories from the past to worry over them as though the worry will change the outcome, and they love to prevent anything wrong from happening in the future by diving into every possible thing that could go wrong. These are the deep divers. They ruminate a lot, and they LOVE hypnosis. In trance states, they find that their minds are put at ease. They begin to stop worrying about the "what if"s" and the "have not's" and settle into the present moment.
The Sleepers
These groups of people need interactive sessions. If you don't know what that is, head over to an article that I published called "What is hypnosis used for" In this, I talk about the different kinds of sessions I offer and go into detail as to why interactive sessions are so great. For sleepers, however, it's the only session I will do. Why, you may ask? Well, folks who fall asleep do so for three reasons. 1: they are tired (this is the least likely), 2: they have subconscious protective mechanisms that keep them from doing the work they came there to do (this is called a trauma response), and 3: they could be thinkers, and when they get this relaxed, there is a chance their mind uses this time to slow down and rest (this does happen, but not as often as you think).
Out of all of these, the most common reason is subconscious protection. When someone has a solid escapist part within them (this is the part of you that uses sleep, video games, shopping, alcohol, etc. to dissociate from your problems), they tend not to want to confront what is happening, All of this being said, if you fall into this category, make sure you work with a practitioner who practices interactive sessions and is gentle and firm. You want someone to push you out of your comfort zone, but you also want them to do it safely. When a sleeper works with a practitioner who meets their needs, they find incredible results on the other side."
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