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Enjoy the profoundly relaxing and deeply restorative benefits of a crystal bowl sound bath. Offering private sessions in Portland, Oregon.
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"Sound healing can be described as the application of healing frequencies to the physical and subtle energy fields around the body. Although it has gained recent popularity, sound healing has actually been around for thousands of years. The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance. Everything in the universe has a vibration, including human beings. We are comprised mostly of water which is a great conductor of sound vibration. The harmonic vibrations of specific healing instruments carry through this liquid, restoring balance and ease in body.Sound acts directly on the nervous system, invoking a meditative state through deep relaxation. It helps facilitate awareness of the present moment. This is when stress, anxiety, and tension begins to dissolve. In this calm, peaceful state, the body shifts out of sympathetic mode (flight or flight) and into parasympathetic mode (rest and digest). This is the state in which healing occurs.Sound therapy assists in clearing energetic blockages in the body created by stored emotions and trauma. Left untreated, these energetic blocks can eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body. However when these blockages are cleared, energy is able to move freely again, allowing us to return to homeostasis. Sound acts on our emotions by shifting the body out of lower frequency states of fear, guilt, and anger, and returning us to our natural frequency states of love, joy, and abundance. It has been used to treat a number of conditions over the years including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, dementia, and chronic pain"

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